
Mailenable SSL configuration

  1. Posted at21-9-2020 10:29:12
  2. bij Ori Slasi

 Follow the next steps in order to install and configure your mailenable mail server to work with SSL

Install SSL certificate on mailenable webmail

  1. Generate CSR on your IIS server
  2. Buy SSL certificate
  3. Install your certificate in IIS.

[[for more information [[how to install ssl certificate

Configure mailenable to work with the installed SSL certificate

  1. open mail enable:

2. right click on localhost and select properties

select the SSL tab and select the installed SSL certificate

3.  open services and connectors

4. open smtp properties - right click on smtp and select properties

5. you will get a new window - select

mark Allow clients to establish secure sessions via STARTTLS 

6. open inbound settings and update your new window as follow:

we need to keep port 25 for servers communication, we open alternate port for secure communication

click ok to save the changes

7. in your Services and connections open the IMAP properties and change the following:

click ok 

8. open pop properties and do the following:

then your mail server should now work properly with the installed SSL certificate.

if you have any issues, questions or problems you can contact us or leave a comment bellow


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Ori Slasi

.NET Developer

