
The steps that make your website SEO html friendly

  1. Posted at12-2-2020 01:33:47
  2. bij

In this article we will explain how to create friendly html code and which html tags we should use in the page.

Hypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets and scripting languages such as JavaScript. Its is important to use all following steps to build SEO friendly HTML.  

1. Meta Tag

For good SEO we should have HTML knowledge. In HTML we have meta tags. We can write keywords there and keywords must be SEO friendly. 

2. SEO friendly URL

Every page have different URL. URL should be easy to read and must contain target keywords. If URL is not readable or understandable then google will pass your website URL and   select other url to display first.

4. Image Alt Text

We have img tag in HTML. In img tag we provide path of image to display it on your website. We must need to use alt text in img tag.

5. Heading 1 and heading 2 tags

Using heading tags correctly can be make your SEO ratings good. Title of the page must be H1 and other headings H2 according to page. 

6. Add meta title and description

Meta title should have 30 minimum characters title. Most search engines will truncate titles to 60 character. 

7. Add meta description

Meta description should have 120 characters. 

8. Site map

Site map is also important for SEO. We can create sitemap with xml file. Site map is a map for your website which shows all pages like a map.

9. Inline CSS

We are using css for styling HTML. We must have separate css files included in html. We can also use inline css in html code but its not a good idea to use them because it will affect page loading speed. More code you add more time it takes to load. So google prefer those pages which have good page loading speed.  

10. Website loading speed

Website should load fast. Google prefer fast loading websites. So create optimize website which have good loading speed and no errors. You can check your website errors and loading speed with some online tools like Google page speed insights and gtmatrix.

11. Favicon

Add favicon icon you your website. It provide brand to your website and its also help in good SEO.

12. Dont use depreciated tags and css

Never use depreciated tags because they will not browser friendly. Only use those tags which are compatible with all browsers. Some css properties also not work with all browser so always use compatible properties for all browsers.

13. Nested tables and frameset

Try to avoid nested tables and frameset on your website, because it will increase the loading time of the webpage. To improve the user experience don’t add any nested tables.


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